Friday, 21 August 2009

Wet DEMO review

Okay, Heres my review of the Demo.

I repeat DEMO. I know you cant judge the entire game on a taster, but the views presented here are those of a pessimistic, devoted action/adventure gamer who ought to be able to tell the difference between a good one, and a bad one.

Disclaimer: I know im not funny, or clever. But Humour me?

WET Demo Review

2009 is definitely the year of the Action Adventure. Uncharted 2, Assassins Creed 2, Batman Arkham Asylum are all set for release in the coming months, and joining this array of acclaimed adrenaline rushes, the fresh faced identity of WET raises it's head. Dual pistols, Uzi's and samurai swords are all good on paper, and now the public has finally had its chance to get in on the action to see once and for all if “Artificial Mind's” over the top killing spree lives up to the hype.

The Demo only allows for a short romp through the story mode, but successfully shows off a lot of what the game has to offer by being split into three sections. The core gameplay is really all standard fare. Revolving around a chunky third person aiming system, the player is given free reign over Rubi's acrobatic movements from the start (or so we can assume). She can Jump, Slide across the ground and wall run, all laced with automatic slow motion. The slow-mo works well, and is fairly intuitive, blending with the fast paced action smoothly. It only starts when you begin firing at the enemies, allowing you to concentrate on aiming rather than character navigation. The only problem is, it makes the game far too easy. While in slow motion, you are all but invulnerable, meaning that it is easy to wipe an entire area clean with the use of two buttons. It is entirely possible to make your way through the entire demo with the basic jump and shoot formula, which isn't fun. Think Devil May Cry without the challenge or variety, and you're not far off.

When it boils down to it, that's WET's biggest problem. There is no variety. The entire game (not withstanding the, surprisingly good QTE's) revolves around killing the enemies that are thrown at you, and you can count the ways to do it on one hand. Its fun for a short time, the demo lasts long enough to impress with the “cool factor” but closes early enough to placate its audience with the vision that the entire game will be able to retain that first impression.

If there's one thing that WET has on its side, it's that it does look cool if you try to vary your Jump & shoot's with Slide & shoots every once in a while. However, hopefully Rubi has some more tricks up her sleeve for the full release to spice up the action a little, otherwise it runs the risk of getting old. Fast. Whether the rinse and repeat formula threatened by this short section will have any lasting appeal, is still anyone's guess, but right now:

It's not looking good.

WET. Hitting Bargain Bins everywhere this Fall.

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